Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why Have You Chosen me by Brian Tan

Why have You chosen me out of millions Your child to be
You know all the wrongs that I have done.
Oh how could You pardon me, forgive my iniquities
To save me give Jesus Your son.

O  Lord help me be what You want me to be
Your word I will strive to obey.

My life I now give, for You I will live
And walk by Your side all the way


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Brian's Essay about his dad

Yesterday Brian had an English assignment from school . He said," Mom , do you know anyone who is successful and working hard for it ?" And I answered him, " Yes, that person is your daddy." I shared with him the story how I met his dad soon after high school in Canada and what he told me his life's dream when we were still dating .
I told Brian that I always admire his dad who is independent , responsible, persistent and hard worker to achieve his dream. After listening to my short story, he worked on his short essay as I continued cooking for dinner.
My husband and I were very touched when we read it. It's lovely and cute :)

Thank you God for this child .... Thank you ...Brian for being a wonderful son . I shared the essay bellow.